Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Reality Vs. Myths in Nepal

1 min read

AI - Reality Vs Myths

“Things will be automated by artificial intelligence (AI), eliminating jobs for individuals.” “AI is a concept from science fiction.” “Machines will overrun the planet.”

The euphoria surrounding AI has given rise to many falsehoods, mostly in news media, public hearings, and throughout enterprises. Numerous misstatements accompany the hoopla surrounding AI and machine learning. Giant enterprises like Facebook, Google, and Amazon were among the earliest to embrace machine learning. While Fb utilized ML to display the post feeds, Google employed it to position advertisements. But many things need to be clarified regarding machine learning and its effects. Let’s distinguish between the facts and fantasies.

Myth: AI will eliminate job opportunities.

Reality: AI will almost always replace current occupations with fresh alternatives.

The terrifying thought is undoubtedly this one, and it is justified. There are few industries where Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are utilized to simplify numerous tedious, repetitive tasks. But is that a job loss for system administrators? No, it simply implies employees are inclined to concentrate on more strenuous activities.

Certain businesses may be affected, as well as some employees might well be laid off, but this has occurred frequently and consistently in the past. Substantial displacement was brought on by the industrial revolution centuries ago. The horse-drawn carriage business was destroyed by the automobile lacking an operator, initial phone calls could not be made, and AT&T had many operators. The scene is very different now, as we all know.

Myth: AI and ML are identical.

Reality: They both differ dramatically from one another.

AI and machine learning are concepts that are frequently used together. Both are distinct from one another and, therefore, not interchangeable. Nlp, robotics, and computer vision are all included in the field of artificial intelligence. Utilizing stats and data predictions, machine learning teaches itself around patterns.

Myth: AI is more intelligent than humans.

Reality: AI only has the intelligence you give it.

We transfer our actions onto AI. It is considered a person’s intellect to be the most intelligent machine on Planet, and an AI that is more intelligent than the human brain will not be created. AI is not aware or conscious and will never exceed human intelligence.

AI technology cannot exist outside humans because it is they who develop the algorithms and data that build it up. It is humans who created it, educated it, and provided it with the resources to make choices in our favor.

Myth: Machine learning is unreliable and useless for analyzing relationships.

Reality: An incorrect algorithm causes the complete approach to fail.

Because ML relies on algorithms, the algorithm is mainly responsible for a solution’s effectiveness. The proper algorithm is necessary for a machine-learning solution to be viable. Each issue and circumstance calls for a unique approach. As a result, using the incorrect algorithm causes the complete solution to collapse. The methodology should be laid out in your plan.

A common misconception is that ML is only effective at finding correlations, not relationships. Algorithms involving machine learning can both identify knowledge and find relationships. It is able to read all of the data and determine the connections depending on previous data.

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